Sunday, August 23, 2009

The carbon footprint grows larger and saddness fills my heart

Let's take a moment to honor the most giving being that is making the ultimate sacrifice for my indulgent needs of that perfect unobstructed omelet.....the tree.

This majestic tree has a history. This tree was just a tree when we moved into our home. It showed scars of having a clothesline attached to it which created a ripple on the lowest branch resembling that mark around your waist after wearing pantyhose all day. This tree has seen some action, in fact it is a miracle that it survived it's first year.

Five or so years ago there was a knock at our door. Peering out the door was a young woman and beyond her a stretch limo. At first visions of winning the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes flooded my thoughts although the requisite bouquet of red roses and balloons were missing. Opening the door the young girl asked if it was OK for her and her Grandmother to get their pictures taken with this tree.

Exiting the limo was the first owner of this house flanked by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren on a this is your life tour. She told in great detail the story of planting this tree and how she weathered a severe wind storm to hold the sapling straight while the rain and wind whipped them. Now here I am the night before the death of this majestic tree. A death that I have scheduled with a quick phone call to Rick's trees.

Standing roughly 60 ft. this silver maple has delighted us every fall with a glorious burst of yellow leaves and served as the winter home to squirrels and in spring the refuge for robins' nests. Tomorrow this tree which is as old as it's height will be rendered into a pile of firewood.

We will be planting another tree after construction is completed toward the back part of the yard and who knows who will be tending to it 60 years from now.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, this post reminds me of your D&D style from way back when.

    Hack & Slash.
