Monday, October 26, 2009


I was always fascinated by Tinker toys and my Lincoln Logs. The idea of taking small pieces and fitting them together to make a 3-d structure amazed me. As a child we never had those 3-D Puzzles like below we had to use old fashioned imagination.

We were always happy as children when a new appliance was delivered in the neighborhood. We stalked the delivery truck and drivers to get that prized possession, the refrigerator box! The box would become a fort or a house for dolls (by the way Scott is not writing this, not that there is anything wrong with boys playing with dolls but . . .) As the fort or doll house would become mangled we flattened it and used it for summertime sledding down a grassy hill only to be rendered into a soggy mess destined for the trash after a quick moving summer storm.  Our builders are using wood and concrete in place of Tinker Toys and Lincoln logs but we have that kid like awe watching our dreams rise from the muddy earth.

What was planned is now in 3-D.

Driveway Side

View from Back Yard

View from Side Yard

And the inside is also taking shape as we have insulation and drywall.

This weekend also found us battling yet another drenching rain storm.
We are thrilled to say the sump pump installed this past week worked like a charm. We kept a cautious and watchful eye on the basement as the rain came down and were pleasantly surprised by a visit from Terry from Mingioni who stopped by Saturday to check on things.

We met more friends from Craigslist this week as Myron, his brother-in-law and son came out Saturday morning to pick up the heater and air conditioner. Myron is getting ready to sell his Mother's home and is trying to update the HVAC systems to make the house more marketable. We feel very eco friendly as all of the appliances for the kitchen and the heating and cooling systems that were destined for a land fill are now living out the rest of their lives helping others.

Following the early morning pickup by Myron and team on Saturday we spent the rest of the day watching movies listing to the pitter patter of rain coming down on the new roof which was followed by exploring the patterns of sunlight coming from all of the new windows on Sunday morning.

Since we have many people emailing us with requests for more pictures and details we are taking some time to answer a question or two each week.

About the dogs:

Zoey, Maggie and Fenwick are handling the strange noises well. Maggie shakes occasionally early in the project when the noises were much louder. Fenwick on the other hand has recently had issue with the sound of the screw gun used for the drywall. He comforts himself by sucking on Maggie's ears like a pacifier. He will eventually fall asleep with the ear in his mouth. The dogs are growing ever more curious of the new addition and Fenwick the youngest dog has claimed the dormer room for himself.

This past week Fenwick went missing from the bedroom and hallway upstairs which has become the office, kitchen and complete living space for the Bombeck family. Fenwick managed to wiggle past the barricade dragging his pillow in to take a little nap in the new unfinished room.

Zoey, Maggie, and Fenwick

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