Friday, December 4, 2009

Amazing Race Recap - -

We we have been hounded by our readers for an update and we have been so stunned at the progress over the last few weeks as well as being in a turkey induced coma over Thanksgiving that we have failed to stay true to our one post a week.

We are about a week away from completion and very much on schedule despite the previous delays.

We we last posted we were seeking exhile at Mom's. Zoey, Maggie, and Fenwick loved staying at MomMoms although fitting 3 dogs and one human in a twin bed was an impossibility. Not to say the dogs steal the covers but the first night found me balancing on the edge of the bed while the 3 dogs shuffled for prime bed location having made themselves a fine nest of blankets. Scott was sleeping ever so peacefully when I headed to the living room at 4AM to find comfort on the sofa. The dogs kindly followed me and 2 curled up on the end of the sofa while Fenwick took to the recliner. It seems Fenwick likes to rock. He delighted in slamming his body against the back of the recliner to get the chair moving and then would lay down to enjoy the rocking motion. He did this until he was exhausted and fell asleep on the chair.

We also had another insight to Fenwick's life on the streets before we adopted him. It appears that the pup is afraid of the dark. We usually have a light or two or three on in the house at all times mainly because one of us is using the computer late into the night. Fenwick however did not take well to having all of the lights off in the bedroom and once the lights were out and door was shut the wimpering began. If I turned the light on he settled down and was comfy but as soon as lights were out the dog crying began. MomMom gathered a little electric candle light to keep him quiet on night #2.

While we were away the floors were sanded, stained and sealed.

Also the cabinets arrived, and arrived, and arrived

After delivery comes installation . . .

And we now have steps . .

And granite arrives . . .

Also the wood stove arrives and is installed . . . very bad picture as it looks all black and is a lovely shade of brown.  Will take more pictures this weekend as we light the first fire.

Also the surprise bathroom decor continues to delight. Dirk and his wife (see earlier post) picked out a beautiful tile. Well at first look I was not too thrilled but hey he threw the tile in for free with our Craigslist bathroom purchase. Our tile installer or shall I say artist did a fantastic job of setting the tile and creating a brick like design.

We will be having electric, plumbing and painting in the next week which will find us suddenly alone in our new home.  We will not be posting again until the job is complete at which time we will have video and final pictures and our lasting thoughts and impressions.

We will also be showing you pictures of the hell areas of the house in which we have been working and living. To give you an idea. To get from my desk to the bathroom, I have to scale boxes, hurdle dogs and navigate extensions cords/wires. It is a wonder Scott and I are still speaking with each other given the close working conditions. We thank all of you who have supported us and kept us sane throughout the process. We look forward to inviting you all for a wrap up party in the spring/summer/fall or even winter depending on how long it takes me to unbox all of the boxes.

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